17 Oct 2007

Saying Goodbye When Losing A Pet

Pet loss is always a difficult situation that no one wants to have to go through. When you loose such a dear friend as your pet, you could donate to an animal organization in his name. This would be a very nice way to pay tribute to the memory of your dog, for instance. Thus, you will be helping to save the life of another one.

There are many ways to give to the shelters and animal groups. They may either print the name of the deceased dog in their newsletter or may compile names and put them on a special plaque. Another way they can take action is adding a brick to their building or shelter walkways with a dog's name on it. All the state and national veterinary organizations accept donations in memory of deceased animals. The money is used to help the cause of veterinary science. This way you can be sure that you have done something to help save the lives of animals to come.

The feelings you get in this situation has many reasons, one of which being the fact that the bond between humans and animals can be very strong. This goes up to the point when it is as strong as any you may have with a person. When an animal companion dies, it can be just as heartbreaking as the death of a human loved one. Unfortunately, animal lovers are often met with comments that are not so nice, even if they lost a companion. People are not all sensitive as they should be. They often believe that you can simply replace the dog by another one, but this is entirely false. The owner of the dog is left to mourn in private or get emotional support from strangers that have opened pet-loss support lines.

People have different ways of expressing their grief, so finding an appropriate way to memorialize your pet is a decision that varies very much from person to person.

You could try writing about your canine companion. This could help a lot in making the pain easier to take. Creating a journal that includes stories about the things your dog did will help you focus on the good times you spent together. Collect writings by authors and poets that appeal to you and add them to your journal.

Another option is looking at pictures of your dogs. Photographs record those special moments and lock them forever in time, so this could help you a lot. Try framing one of the photos and putting it in a place where you can peacefully remember your dog.

By: Dalvin Rumsey

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