11 Jun 2009

Dog Training Made Easy And Fast

It is now well know that when you use positive thoughts and approaches to dog obedience training, your dog will enjoy his training and reward you with good behavior. Treating your dog with kindness and respect will determine how he will learn and behave during training.

When you think positive thoughts to train your dog, your dog will respond. Dogs have a natural sense of what humans feel and think. So, when you use abusive action, your dog will get confused and not know what to do.

Work training your dog like you would teach your child how to do something. If you cannot show love, understanding, and patience, while dog training, then let someone else train your dog. Forcing your dog to learn new behaviors can leave deep seated fear in your dog that will last a life time.

Here are more tips and ideas that you can use to do dog training. Don’t try to train your dog on a lot of different commands in the first day. Only work on one command so your dog does not get confused.

1. Do dog training with good rewards. While your dog does like being praised and getting a pat on the head, this will only go so far in training your dog to behave well. To really keep your dog’s attention, you need to use food rewards. These are what dog trainers call “primary incentives” – and every dog owner knows how food-motivated a dog can be!

2. Give rewards at the right time. Timing is everything when you are training your dog. Give a command, if he follows it, give him a reward immediately. Delayed rewards will get confused training results. You dog will not know what to do to get that reward. You will lose control of your dog obedience training session.

A clicker can be used when your train your dog. These are small devices made of metal, which make a clicking sound when pressed. You click this device right when your dog exhibits a desirable behavior, such as following a command.

A click is not a necessity for dog training. If you have a strong voice you can use voice like clicker. Use a comment like “yes”, “good boy”, with a voice tone that is happy, loving, and strong. Be consistent with the words you use. Do not change from one phrase to another.

When you start with your dog obedience training, determine what type of command technique you will use. Don’t use the clicker one day and your strong voice the next. Always be consistent with the way you train your dog. This will eventually let your dog know that it is training time. If you make training fun, your dog will look forward to dog training time.

So many times, you make think your dog is almost human by what it does and how it reacts. Dogs have survival instincts that can be activated immediately. But since it can only comprehend a few words, you need to be patient, when you train your dog. Over time with repetition, your dog will begin to understand what you mean and want.

With your patience, love, and care during your dog obedience training, you dog will start to see and understand what you are trying to teach him or her. Don’t rush the training, since your dog has a mind of its own and knows what it want to do and does it instantly. But with repetition, you will be rewarded with new behavior from your dog.

About The Author:
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